I got a new job at New York & Company, along with my current job at Dolce Vita (formally known as Lucca). I hope they get jealous and start a brutal fight over me. Lucca with it's hippie party girl attitude versus NY&C with it's business dress code. Lucca throws a stick, and NY&C laughs, grabs a lead pipe, and hits Lucca in the jugular. The Lucca back fires with a poisoned cocktail, causing NY&C to see things. I'm sure this would make a great reality show. Only one can win my true love. THE FIGHT IS ON!

I find is halarious, though, that NY&C wants me to dress like I worked in a office, seeing as I will probably never work in a office environment, or have a office. I mean, I'm just a sales associate, my job is to look pretty and sell credit cards. Oh, and they won't let me wear the jeans, shorts, and lazy tees they sale. Why offer them if you don't want us to buy them. Butts, the girls are friendly.