It seems to be a modern marvel that music has become a fashion. I'm sure most people have a friend simply because of a common music interest. Indie music as a genre in particular has become a exclusive group. What exactly is indie though. The name indicated independent music, from large labels. But this is not the case. Before the genre, all music labels were independent, relieing on a group of artist to bring enough revenue to support the label allowing less known bands a record deal. Fundamentals of the music business means indie music is always working with, and often because of the main stream music industry. Essentially, indie music is in no way independent. The genre relies of mainstream music to support small labels, and to create an interest in alternative music. Even MGMT, the indie scene's golden child, is on public radio. I saw a older woman wearing their concert tee just a few days ago. Even the indie rock of the nineties (Belle & Sebastien, Death Cab for Cutie, R.E.M.) has become mainstream. So why are indie fans to pretentious, and exclusive, when the genre is neither. Like most forms of media art, it has become a fashion, making those indie fans ultimately look like drones